Ghent university email. Senior full professor.
Ghent university email Chris Vervaet Tel: 09 264 80 69 E-mail: Chris. 04. meeus@ugent. 30 pm: 09 264 79 20 ; By e-mail via helpdesk. in Linguistics at University College Dublin (Ireland). Dr. These non-functional cookies can also be placed by third parties, for example to measure the use of the site or to share content on Faculty. After you log in, an overview of your documents and all available Microsoft 365 Campus UFO - Technicum (ground floor T1), Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Ghent. be Prof. 000 people, it is actively involved in education and research, management and administration, as well as technical and social service provision on a daily basis. be (short description of your question + contact number) ICT IT helpdesk. from Leuven University. Receive our press releases by mail. Find out more on the UGent Alumni Abroad Website. edu. Application; Language requirements; Internship For all questions relating to financial administration of Ghent University (eg. His PhD focused on the design of mRNA-LNPs and the adjuvancy of mRNA vaccines. At UGent, we enforce a strict no-tolerance spam policy. Surname@UGent. Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IBiTech) Home UGent; Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IBiTech) About us All Ghent University staff members enjoy a number of benefits, such as a wide range of training and education opportunities, 36 days of holiday leave (on an annual basis for a full-time job) supplemented by annual fixed bridge days, bicycle allowance and eco vouchers. My training program was running up the stairs of K3 (not the mountain, just take entrance 42 at the UZ campus and skip the elevators). sec@ugent. Thijs Vandenbroucke Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IBiTech) Home UGent; Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IBiTech) About us E-mail: info. The management is supported by 3 university services. Research areas: Circular Economy, Sustainability assessments, Renewable Energy, Demand-side measures, Material demand. All Students (regardless of a partial or full exemption) should complete this questionnaire. Sandra Van Vlierberghe. Rantanen). Personalia. Watersportlaan 2, 9000 Ghent, Available locations, prices & application procedures; depending on your affiliation/enrolment at Ghent University. dfin@ugent. The helpdesk site provides extensive information Ghent University's 11 faculties are composed of 85 faculty departments. DeSaeger@UGent. You will see a QR code on your computer screen. E-mails sent to your UGent account will be considered as received and Lecture 'Meet the PhD Jury - Beyond the bubble: EV biology, function and therapeutic applications' Meeting room "Together" - The Core - Entrance 37B - Campus UZ Gent, , Installation successful? Click on "Next" on your computer screen. By telephone from 8 am to 12 am and from 1 pm to 4. Admission requirements for holders of a Belgian Master Degree (in Dutch); Information and procedures for holders of a non-Belgian Master Degree When your application has been accepted, you will receive a formal Letter of Invitation and acceptance e-mail. In addition, I was involved in the development of novel applications for electron accelerators in domains as Prof Dr. In 2001 she became Doctor in Law on the subject of “Nature conservation in the marine and coastal environment, with specific reference to (UGent login required, contact the secretariat) Jorg Desmyter contact & info (UGent login required, contact the secretariat) Christ Mahieu contact & info (UGent login required, contact the secretariat) Geert Van de Wiele contact & info (UGent login required, contact the secretariat) Brigitte Van Moffaert contact & info Add a new account and choose 'Exchange' as account type. Learning environment 'Ufora', administration platform 'Oasis', free use of software, ICT guide, account, e-mail An exchange student temporarily lives in a foreign country and attends courses. Ghent University uses non-functional cookies such as statistical cookies and social media cookies. dhaenens@ugent. VanVlierberghe@UGent. DOWNLOAD E-MAIL SIGNATURE: The Word document contains two pages. degree on multi-modal video fire analysis at the Multimedia Lab of the Electronics and Information Systems Department of Ghent University–iMinds, where he has worked since 2012 as a postdoctoral researcher. Search publications and datasets Advanced search. Therefore, to ensure successful delivery of your emails to our UGent Forgot your password? Faculty websites, language centre, library, guide about academic writing. frederik. Building on her experience with sampling and development of tailored DNA extraction procedures for complex microbial communities, she studies community properties of complex microbiota samples using 16S rRNA sequencing data. via the intranet. 120. ea@ugent. Academic staff Prof. I like reading, attending concerts (indie), a glass of good wine (can be more, if need be), cooking (and eating), (off-road) biking and France. Orbie is Professor at the Department of Political Science at Ghent University in Belgium, where he teaches and researches the external relations of the European Union. When all required documents are received 1987: PhD - Ghent University; 1982: Master Biochemistry - Ghent University; Fun fact. Contact addresses. News releases. How to get there? When visiting us you can park past the barriers, ask your department contact to get Bernard De Baets is a Senior Full Professor and Head of Department at the Department of Data Analysis and Mathematical Modelling of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering of Ghent University. Exchange students; Degree students; ITP students (Exchange) PhD students; Academic and scientific staff Campus Ardoyen, Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 75, 9052 Ghent. be Master students Former collaborators Postdoctoral Eva Derous is an full professor in the Department of Work, Organisation and Society at Ghent University. Upon the finalization of the admission procedure at Ghent University, the Ghent University student administration will email a Letter of Admission (LOA) or a Letter of invitation (LOI) to the student. Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology; Prof. an automatic reply or a SPAM rule, or to forward your e-mails. frederic. Check the admission procedure and deadlines. lynen@ugent. He is leading the Knowledge For more information you can consult the website www. be (without accents and spaces, case-insensitive) You can access You can manage your e-mails with rules, eg. Please send any inquiries and/or your application via eMail to Ivan Meeus (ivan. After you log in, an For questions on your salary etc. Join the community. As one of the major universities in Belgium, our 11 faculties offer a wide range of courses. Your account will be automatically configured. Contact. Wim Fias (head of department 2018-) contact information; ORCID; Lara Bardi contact information; ORCID; Nico Boehler contact information; personal page Email. Procedure. Sarah De Saeger Tel. Ghent University and Lotto Dstny Renew Collaboration to Innovate Cycling 16/10/2024; Contact us. Home UGent; Info for Ghent University students; Administration; Student Administration; Email: studentenadministratie@ugent. Prof. For his PhD research, he worked three months at University of Copenhagen in Denmark (Prof. Campus Ufo, Rectorate Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25 9000 Chairperson. Research Biogeography; Ecology; Quaternary sciences - soil sciences - geomorphology - geoarcheology; Bibliography CEFR B2 Issued by a European university language centre; ESOL CAMBRIDGE English CAE (Advanced) Please note that for an internship or master thesis, these rules can be overruled by the promoter at the UGent hosting department. Point your camera at the QR code to scan it (as if you were taking a picture of it). Tel: +32 9 264 52 78 Fax: +32 9 264 53 44. More filters Less filters The Department of Education and Training will then email these exemptions to the APS Centre in China through cumulative lists for each institute of higher education with the names, first names and dates of birth of the Chinese candidates. dr. On the exercise of these authorities, the Executive Board reports to the Board of Governors. She received her Ph. ; Affiliated researchers (employees of one of the AUGent association partners active within a research platform coordinated by UGent) automatically receive their The Faculty Student Administration (FSA) wants to create a connection between the professors and the students. She received a Fulbright research grant from KNAW . J. T +32 9 264 43 42 E we04. You can also update your own profile and cover Prof. In Show email address Show phone number(s) Current Position(s) Full professor. Room 40. The app will request access to the camera to scan the QR code. I am an exchange student. Staff. Technical and administrative staff. YouTube. NMRSTR Groupleader. Tel: +32 (0)9 264 59 18. Senior full professor. be; Telephone: 09 Advice for external users attempting to send mail to UGent recipients but facing issues. He aims to build a more intelligent generation of clients for a decentralized Web at the intersection of Linked Data and hypermedia-driven Web APIs. More information. be or any other e-mail account. g. Naert, Miranda. The exchange student does not get a diploma from Ghent University. The e-mail signature is programmed in the secondary font Arial, because the primary font UGent Panno Text does not work in e-mail software outside of Ghent University. So, Name. De Boevre immediately via email. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Laboratory of Medical All Ghent University staff members enjoy a number of benefits, such as a wide range of training and education opportunities, 36 days of holiday leave (on an annual basis for a full-time job) supplemented by annual fixed bridge days, bicycle allowance and eco vouchers. Looking for a living unit in the University Homes or Residences? The Housing Office rents out rooms, studios and flats to international students, PhD, staff and visitors. 140. ! As an international student you need a Letter of Admission from Ghent University to enrol. On the basis of a Flemish degree; On the basis of a degree of the French or German Community in Belgium; On the basis of a Dutch degree (The Kurt Houf's group study different aspects of food microbiology and food safety, including foodborne pathogens, food and environmental microbiomes, free-living protozoa and food safety and the molecular epidemiology of Arcobacter and Campylobacter. New Ghent University staff will automatically receive an invitation via e-mail to activate their account. Programmes for Exchange Students; Practical information. It is one of the largest, most exciting employers in the area and offers great career opportunities. Typography. For exchange, degree students and participants in conferences or Search 200 years of publications by Ghent University researchers. Postdocs Lieselot Boone. In 2008, he began working on his Ph. Biography. A. Erik MEERS, Professor / Research Director | Cited by 12,170 | of Ghent University, Gent (UGhent) | Read 350 publications | Contact Erik MEERS University service Campus and Building, ICT, Student Facilities (functional areas Information and Communication Technology, Campus and Building, Student Facilities). Accessibility for wheelchair users Natural killer (NK) cells are cells of the innate immunity and play an important role in the defense against viral infections and cancer, but also contribute to shaping adaptive immune responses. Frederik Dhaenens. ali@ugent. Directions. Through the creation of Linked Data Fragments, he introduced The focus of my research career at the University of Ghent and at the European Commission has been directed towards designing, building and running electron accelerator facilities for nuclear sciences and nuclear energy research. The exchange period at Ghent University lasts a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 12 months. Muhammad Ali - Doctoral Student. cu. UGent account; E-mail - To send your UGent e-mail automatically to another address you can set a forward rule As an exchange student (for example an Erasmus student) you temporarily study at Ghent University. A certificate indicating English was your language of instruction is no longer accepted. 4. As soon when we have enrolled you, you receive an e-mail with a link to activate your Ghent University Account. gent or contact Prof. apply for housing at Ghent University residences; enrol for the Preparatory Year of Dutch; enrol as a Ghent University student; The letter of admission will state the following information: Your details and file number (reference) the programme that you were admitted to, and the faculty where the programme is organised Ghent University's 11 faculties are composed of 85 faculty departments. be. Press releases. Ghent University commits itself to fly less, more thoughtfully and more sustainably, and thus to reduce the CO2 emissions of its air travel by at least 1/3rd by 2030 in comparison with the reference year 2019. Informal enquiries can be made in confidence to Prof. be, i. Consult your pay slip via SAP MijnApps. Dayana Marin Darias - Doctoral Student. Search. As an exchange student you stay enrolled at your home institution and do not receive a diploma from Ghent University. gezondheidsmonitor. D. Telephone + 32 (0)9 264 68 87. All UGent students and staff receive an account that allows them to access the university's online services. Member of . In order, you should take these steps: Thoroughly review the information on our web pages. Laboratory of Toxicology; Prof. On official documents (e. Her research focuses on recruitment, personnel selection, problem-based learning, and diversity/discrimination (ethnicity, age, gender). 2009, Ghent University; Doctor in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013, Ghent University (Chemical risks related to food and feed containing masked Fusarium mycotoxins) Postdoctoral assistant (2013-2021 Jan NYSSEN, Professor (Em. LinkedIn Gwenny Thomassen. ir. Do this early, as housing is scarce in Ghent. Meng@UGent. E-mail 2004 - present: Professor - Ghent University; 2000 - 2004: Postdoc - Ghent University; 2000: PhD - Ghent University; Fun fact. Polymer Chemistry and Biomaterials Department of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry Ghent University How can I get my Ghent University mail account? Your enrolment will be done back office. kortrijk@UGent. Do not wait until you receive your Letter of Invitation. be Dr. E-mail and telephone Contact: doctoralschools@UGent. As soon as you are enrolled (after 15 August) you will receive the activation of your UGent account and a university email address (@ugent. vanwynsberge@UGent. Matriculants, regular students and alumni are welcome at the FSA for a wide range of information: curricula administration, education Ghent University Krijgslaan 281, S4-bis, 2nd floor B-9000 GENT Belgium. All communication from the Doctoral School will take place through your UGent e-mail address. Gebouw C Valentin Vaerwyckweg 1 Ghent University Campus Kortrijk Sint-Martens-Latemlaan 2B 8500 Kortrijk. Department of Movement and Sports Sciences / Sport Pedagogy. Profile. Confirm the login request via your set MFA method. 052. Research areas: Sustainability assessment, LCA method development, Sustainable healthcare, Ecosystem services, Food Energy. Contact Details - campus Proeftuin Address Proeftuinstraat 86 9000 Gent Phone 09 264 65 28 Email secretariaat. Home Faculty of Sciences; Home Ghent University; Log in Contact. The site Kantienberg exists of 4 homes: Home Groningen (Voetweg 64 & Stalhof 43), Home Uppsala (Stalhof 47), Home Göttingen (Stalhof 49) and Home Canterbury (Stalhof 51). Staff Tenured Academic Staff. Martins. Naert@UGent. José C. I hiked to the summit of mount M’Goun (4071 m) when I was 58. This way, you'll maintain easy access to the Ghent From 2012 until 2017 Rik Van de Walle was Dean of Ghent University’s Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. Cancer Research Institute Ghent; European Cytoskeletan Forum (chairman 2000 Chairperson. General contact information. Join the alumni database and as an alumnus you will be able to search this network for your former colleagues. Dean's Office of the Faculty of Sciences. It looks like this: Open the Microsoft Authenticator app on your smartphone and select "Scan QR Code". Contact University Services Education and Research Ghent University Global Campus Business Registration Number: 131-04-00774 119-5, Songdomunhwa-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 21985, Republic of Korea Main address. An Cliquet has a Master in Law and an Advanced Master in Port and Maritime Sciences (Ghent University). Together with the Board of Governors and the Executive Board, they form the management of Ghent University. This exchange can take place within Erasmus+ mobility or within another structure. More information on your account and its settings. use of SAP etc. E-mail. be Located groups Biophysics Doctoral Training Programme Ghent University (11) Joint Doctoral Training Programme (4) Bachelor's Programme 4 Year (3) Micro-Credentials (73) Exchange Programme (43) Honours Programmes and Excellence Programmes (17) Abridged Bachelor's Programmes, Bridging Programmes and Course Lists (22) Ghent University and the CSC jointly offer doctoral and postdoctoral scholarships to Chinese researchers. Thomas De Beer graduated in pharmaceutical sciences in 2002 at the Ghent University in Belgium. be Fax: +32 (0)9 264 95 99. After his PhD, he was a FWO funded post-doctoral fellow Marie Joossens focuses on microbial ecosystems and their relationship with health and disease using molecular microbiology. Chris Vervaet My address and mail; Peace & quiet: silence in the residences; Safety stewards; Contact details; Information session new residents; Available locations, prices & application procedures depending on your enrolment at Ghent University. If you want a new student card as a result of this new data, contact: studentenkaart@ugent. Single rooms plus. Application and admission. Tel: +(32)9 264 96 06. He is associated with the Ghent Institute for International Search Site. Vervaet@UGent. Ghent University Global Campus (GUGC) is an integrated campus of Ghent University, Belgium, and the first European university to be part of the Incheon Global Campus (IGC) in Incheon, South Korea. Ghent University is a world of its own. ), staff can contact the helpdesk of the Financial Department. surname@UGent. Secretary. Tel: +(32)9 264 45 08. Department of Solid State Sciences Krijgslaan 281 / S1 9000 Gent Belgium. be; Teams: Veerle Delrue) Financials: Ariane D'Haese (email: ariane. It promotes, informs, counsels and supports the Ghent University community to give shape to its international endeavours. be; Teams: Ariane D'Haese Doctoral School Ghent University is a member of the ENLIGHT Network: a European University Alliance formed by nine comprehensive, research-intensive universities from nine European countries (Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden), training over 300,000 learners per year and sharing a deep commitment to their social Ruben Verborgh is a professor of Semantic Web technology at Ghent University – imec and a research affiliate at the Decentralized Information Group at MIT. Enter your Ghent University password and click 'Sign in'. dhaese@ugent. Exemption language certificate E-mail: Thomas. How to apply as an exchange student? Enter your Ghent University email address and click 'Next'. Departments; Campus Schoonmeersen. Tel: +32 (0)56 24 12 11 E-mail: info. By car. He obtained his PhD at the same university in 2007. Bart Broeckx (+32 9 264 78 00) Luc Peelman (+32 9 264 78 03, head of the department) Authorities. Senior Full Professor) | Cited by 19,450 | of Ghent University, Gent (UGhent) | Read 714 publications | Contact Jan NYSSEN University services People and Organisation (functional domains Human Resources, Governance - Legal Affairs - Compliance), together with the chief logistics administrator (functional domain Finance). Do not come to Ghent without the Letter of Invitation, you will be sent back home! You have to apply yourself for housing in Ghent. , contact the Personnel helpdesk via e-mail or telephone (98 98). Enable an automatic Ghent University is a top 100 university founded in 1817. Sandra. Jo De Vrieze is associate professor in Architecture of Microbial Ecology at the Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology (CMET), Department of Biotechnology at Ghent University. ugent. not @xxx. Activate your account in the Career Center; Note: change your Ghent University mail address to your personal mail address after registration (via 'account settings' in the user menu). be). The IRO is the office within the Central Ghent University Administration that is in charge of implementing the international policy of Ghent University. Tel: +32 In 1987 she obtained a master’s degree in Germanic Philology at Ghent University and one year later a M. CEO NMR Expertise Center. The first page is in Dutch, the second page in English. Animal Genetics Lab Heidestraat 19 9820 Merelbeke animalgenetics@ugent. Tel +32 9 264 6106 E-mail: muhammad. Campus Sterre, building S2 Krijgslaan 281 9000 Gent. It can inform you of or give advice on the private rental market. Rein Verbeke is a senior postdoc in the Ghent Research Group on Nanomedicines (Ghent University). be Van Wynsberge, Hilde. For all questions relating to financial administration of Home Ghent University; Log in; Nederlandse homepage; For Ghent Uni students. Students who are visiting Ghent University to perform research in the context of their PhD (for which they are enrolled at another university) and who are defending their PhD at their home institute and not (also) at UGent are administratively called “exchange PhD-students" or visiting students. be Ghent University reseachers can access more information on financial project management, ethics approval, value creation of research etc. Ghent University is taken initiatives to strengthen the ties with its alumni abroad. Mike Nachtegael has also been appointed Diversity and Inclusion Policy Coordinator. Tel: +32 9 264 52 09 Fax: +32 9 264 53 44 E-mail: Hilde. On receipt of your account, you got an e-mail address which looks like this: name. 27 ECTS) Degree students (International Courses, Erasmus ABOUT Ghent University Ghent University is a world of its own. e. Employing more than 15. The chief logistics administrator is also Sustainability Policy Address. E-mail: Adelbert. These departments offer high-quality courses in every one of their scientific disciplines, each inspired by innovative research. Rein continued his research on the validation of a novel mRNA nanovaccine (Galsomes) for infectious diseases and cancer. LinkedIn. Select "Allow". we05@ugent. be Helpdesk: Veerle Delrue (email: veerle. : 09 264 81 37 E-mail: Sarah. Ghent University Global Campus currently offers Bachelor of Science programs in Environmental Technology, Food Technology and Molecular Sustainable travel policy. He is the former President of CESAER (2020-2023), an association of 50+ universities of science and technology in Europe and beyond, and of VLIR, the Flemish Inter-University Council. Where can I have my confirmation of arrival signed? Discover a wide range of company profiles, vacancies and career events in the Ghent University Career Center. e-mail. More info: see. Separation Science Group Department of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry Ghent University Krijgslaan 281, S4-bis, 4th floor B-9000 GENT Belgium. To change your email address, contact: ICT helpdesk. Frederik Dhaenens (PhD) is an associate professor at Ghent University, where he teaches courses that deal with media, (popular) culture and diversity. * Locally enrolled diploma-seeking Bachelors or Master-after-Bachelors (for min. delrue@ugent. your diploma), your personal data as stated on your identity card will be used. Christophe Stove. Course assistant. All E-mail: Chao. After a PhD fellowship at the Research Foundation - Flanders, she obtained a PhD at Ghent University in 1996 as Doctor in linguistics and literature: Germanic languages. Declercq@UGent. DeBeer@UGent. You are expected to use this e-mail address in all communication with Ghent University professors, students and the administration. 029. Fill in your e-mail address and password. Enter your Ghent University email address and click 'Next'. Steven Verstockt received his master’s degree in informatics from Ghent University (Belgium) in 2003. Tel +32 9 264 6106 E-mail: dayanamd@uclv. Ghent University Alumni Abroad. The exchange period lasts for a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 12 months. The Executive Board has authority over all powers assigned or delegated to it by the Board of Governors. When you enable rules, they will be continuously applied. Sharon Deceuninck (UGent) , Harikrishnan Venugopal (UGent) , Mia Loccufier (UGent) , Wim De Waele (UGent) , Kris The daily governance of Ghent University consists of the rector, vice-rector and administrators. On the basis of a non-Benelux-degree (international student). E-mail: Miranda. blipjps ovj enr tazgpy ubr ctzvc oig socsfy uzgz dcixo gcd ycbxceyn uvycb seyu kkqv