Pa state archery record. Again, exactly when Frederick shot this buck is unknown.
Pa state archery record FITA Archers of PA State Indoor – 2022. Search for: Hunting. State Champions and State Records Index. Hiking. In fact they've ask us to help them find previuos crossbow harvest that should be listed in the archery records. After a 60-day drying period, there’s little question that Kroh’s symmetrical 12-pointer will make P&Y. 7/8. In fact, this typical whitetail rack, scoring 204-6/8 points, broke into the top five All-time typical whitetails, sitting at number four overall. PENNSYLVANIA HAS A NEW RECORD BUCK History was made once again this year, at the Pennsylvania Game Commission headquarters, when a trophy whitetail rack shattered the previous record in the Typical Archery category in The Kyriss buck tops a 189-inch buck that had stood as the state record since it was shot by Fritz Janowsky in Bradford County in 1943. Pennsylvania hunting history was made when the state’s inaugural archery elk season opened on Saturday, Sept. Not only do these sizeable, hardbound masterpieces contain the up-to-date listing of all animals in the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Here's the inside story of how Zee took this incredible bull. Flight Archery ; USA Archery State Records ; 2020 USA Archery Pennsylvania State Indoor Championship. S. If the State called me to help thin the herd in there I'd do my part For the safety of the travelers . Gayne Young breaks the story on this world record. 719-866-4576. Cameron St. The current archery state record on the Pennsylvania Game Commission books was also taken in Allegheny County. Any revisions to this privacy policy will be posted at this URL. It also is now the Pennsylvania typical record, as well as the largest typical ever documented as being from so far east in North America. TYPICAL DEER ARCHERY (115-0) NON-TYPICAL DEER ARCHERY (135-0) TYPICAL or NON-TYPICAL DEER MUZZLELOADER (130-0) BLACK BEAR GUN (19-0) BLACK BEAR ARCHERY (17-0) Event information for 2020 USA Archery Pennsylvania State Indoor Championship. The Pennsylvania Game Commission only issued 14 bull tags for the 2022 archery season. Update: Registration is now closed. HOST CLUB~Middletown Archery, 127 Barren Rd. Perhaps the hardest part of hunting Pennsylvania elk is drawing a tag. 02/08/2025 - 02/09/2025. Again, exactly when Frederick shot this buck is unknown. A Long Time Coming Record and Indexes of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1852-1854 (Record Group 26) - grouped by county and record type, then arranged by certificate number, these records of birth, marriage and death were kept by the Register of Wills for each county with returns sent to the Department of State. Returns are available for 49 of the 64 counties Thursday, Jan. General Information: SPACE IS LIMITED SO 2024 Pennsylvania State JOAD Outdoor Championship Pa State Outdoor JOAD Championship. FITA Archers of PA State Indoor – 2023. Search. It was an 11x7 and scored 446 and 0/8 inches (462 and 2/8 gross). [email protected]. The lucky winner would get the chance to hunt one of Pennsylvania’s monster bulls. 8:00am. 164 in the state records. But if scored soon after the 60-day drying period, it seems he’d have been No. 27, 2024 Registration will close Jan. The buck grossed more than 150 inches! What’s more, 2010’s deer season added another 61 record entries. It was shot on a farm in Rothsville, Pennsylvania. http://www The 2025 Texas State Indoor Championships are set for January 11 and 12, 2025 with a new location now available! Fort Grard Guns & Archery 3800 Mineral Wells Hwy, Weatherford, Texas 76088 for our North Location; Kealing Middle School 1607 Pennsylvania Ave, Austin, TX 78702 for our central location; While Ron's buck takes the top spot for a typical taken with archery equipment, no record is safe in a state where more than 150 successful buck hunters have their names added to the state's That program annually results in the commission’s “Pennsylvania Big Game Records” book, which lists all the Pennsylvania bucks that have scored above certain marks in the Boone & Crockett How long do you fellows reckon these will hold up? Picture #1 = Eric Carns - Non Typical PA State Record - 2016 - 228 6/8's Picture #2 = Ron Shaulis - Typical PA State Record - 2017 - 185 4/8's Event information for PA - 56th USA Archery Indoor Nationals. The regions are made up of the clubs and members located in the counties found within that section or region of the state. Game Oklahoma Hunter Bags Two 200-Inch Bucks Just Price's bear was 15 pounds heavier than the state's previous record holder, a 864-pound bear killed by Doug Kristiansen of Dingman Township in 2003. BLACK BEAR . The PSAA has numerous clubs across the state of Pennsylvania. The state’s first archery season drew a little more than 5,500 participants. In that same period, nearly 600 record-book bucks would New public archery ranges. Fishing. It broke the state archery record and is the second-largest bull ever taken by a hunter with any weapon in Pennsylvania. The organization holds 4 State Championship events each year and offers various divisions and skill levels of archery so each archer can compete at their level. Pope and Young requires a typical-rack whitetail to score 125 inches to be included in its big-game record book. Current TSAA indoor record. Included in the typical archery record book division this year is a 381 1/8-inch bull from Centre County by Christopher Sebulsky; and a 374 1/8-inch elk from Clearfield County by bowhunter Arnold Metzger. Menu. Applicant Options: For most of the seasons, there are four options when an applicant applies. The previous record was an Allegheny County deer killed in 2007 that scored 209 1 ⁄ 8. He is a Licensed Pa taxidermist, and plans on doing a Bowhunting - New PA State Record Archery Non-typical: Updated page 1 & 3 - I wasn't knocking it Droptine. 1 in the typical archery category taken in 2017, and a new No. Contact. Get in Touch. Elk Ron Shaulis of West Newton, Pa. 130, Colorado Springs, CO 80919. PA State Outdoor Record Holder Sr. com. 1 2 of 21 Go to page. Ø No pets allowed except service dogs. Media, PA 19063 Register online @ USAA Fee is $45 on or before June 11, Late Fee $55 from June 12-18. It scored 2286/8. Saturday, Aug. 190" Jump to Latest 21 - 40 of 418 Posts. Ron Shaulis from West Newton harvested the deer on Oct. 2,327 likes · 33 talking about this. Flight Archery ; USA Archery State Records ; 2023 Pennsylvania State JOAD Outdoor Championship. Birch Run Reservoir, Adams Co. With an official score of 455, this is the biggest elk ever recorded in Pennsylvania. Eric Carns of Hesston bagged a 228 6/8 inch buck in Clearfield County, and Faus’ deer almost surpassed it, with just a The Pennsylvania state-record archery buck was harvested in 2016 by Eric Carns in Clearfield County, and scored 228 6/8 inches. state record typical The number one buck in the nontypical archery division was killed in 2016. m. The bruin's skull scored 23 9/16 inches, making it the biggest bear ever taken by a hunter. We've turned up the 197 inch Montgomery County non-typical that will become the new state record as well You may request a written search by submitting a letter to the bureau at: Department of State, Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations, PO Box 8722, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8722. Ø Parking~~Middletown Archery parking lot is limited. National Team in 1983 & 84. 1 state record. That was an increase of 9 percent over 2019, when 341,847 licenses were sold, and of nearly 29 On Dec. 27-Jan 2, 2024/25 Robert Christian shot this massive black bear in eastern Pennsylvania. Pa State Indoor Championship. Donate. 02/07/2025 - 02/07/2025. January 11-12, 2025 SPACE IS LIMITED SO REGISTER EARLY; All OUT of STATE archers need to register as a GUEST; We will be having In-State awards and Out of State awards; PA States- Saturday & Local, state, and federal government websites often end in . Try Archery; Flight Archery ; USA Archery State Records ; 2025 USA Archery JOAD Indoor Nationals - PA. By the sponsoring of archery tournaments within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and generally to increase and encourage interest in archery. was formed is to advance the art, skill, practice and handicraft of archery. That slots it in at second overall for a non-typical buck taken by archery in the state. The deer has 15 scoreable points, a 23-1/2 inch inside spread and field dressed out at 256 pounds. Pennsylvania's Unified Judicial System provides comprehensive public access to court records online and upon request. Click/Tap Each Section to View the Verified WORLD Records. HARRISBURG, PA - History was made once again this year, today at the Pennsylvania Game Commission headquarters, when a trophy whitetail rack shattered the previous record in the Typical Archery category in the state records. , harvested the trophy buck on Oct. Pa State Outdoor Tournament. Visit HuntFishPA site to apply for the elk license drawing and check the status of your application. Since then, they have been scoring and History was made once again this year, yesterday at the Pennsylvania Game Commission headquarters, when a trophy whitetail rack shattered the previous record in the Typical Archery category in the state records. A Pa. The Challenge will run from the PA Archery season through the second archery and muzzelloader season. 14, 2019. Ron Shaulis' diligent scouting and scent control tactics paid off during the 2017 Pennsylvania archery season. 24, 2017, with a compound bow on public land in Westmoreland County. NCPA Staff. Pennsylvania’s minimum scores to be considered a record are lower: 115 for a typical whitetail in archery and 140 for a typical whitetail firearm, or 135 for a non-typical whitetail archery and The Pennsylvania State Record program that is managed by the Game Commission recognizes archery bucks, including crossbows, that score at least 115-inch for a typical rack and firearms bucks that HARRISBURG — History was made, once again, this year, Thursday at the Pennsylvania Game Commission headquarters, when a trophy whitetail rack shattered the previous record in the Typical Archery At the Boone and Crockett Club’s 31st Big Game Awards Judges Panel, a team of Official Measurers crowned a new king in the Keystone State. Pennsylvania State Archery Association. This buck was harvested in southern Allegheny County (Forward Twp. ALASKA BROWN BEAR . The Pennsylvania Game Commission started the Big Game Records in 1965. What's more, Carns' buck ranks as In addition to crushing the current state archery record of 400 and 2/8 inches, Kammerdiener’s bull will also go down as the second largest Pennsylvania bull ever taken by a hunter with any weapon. 01/11/2020 - 01/12/2020. 19 with early archery seasons in WMUs 2B, 5C and 5D. The PSAA is broken into eight (8) regions across the state. Travel. Ron Shaulis, of West Newton, Pa. A friend of mine harvested what looks to be the new record Pa archery kill, and top 3 buck killed with any weapon in the state. Please note that the tournament director is responsible for flagging possible records before sending in the results, to add accuracy and ease to Rick's job. He was placed in Zone 9, in the northern, rugged regions of the state. General Information. ” When a hunter recovers a trophy buck so long after shooting it, and enters it into the record books, it’s not always easy to convince the record-keeping organizations that it’s indeed the buck the hunter shot, rather than a dead deer found in the woods. Congratulations to Dave on his record-setting harvest! Submitted The purpose for which the Pennsylvania State Archery Association, Inc. gov" or "pa. FITA Archers of PA State Indoor – 2020. Current TSAA outdoor record A Boone and Crockett scorer measured the bull’s rack on December 12, 2022. 12, Dave Kammerdiener’s bull was measured by official Boone and Crockett scorer Dave Mitchell. All OUT of STATE archers need to register as a GUEST A 16-year-old Pennsylvania teenager bagged her ninth buck with a crossbow—and it was a massive state record buck. That elk was shot in Clearfield County by Bill Zee in 2011. INDOOR. man nearly set a new record for a buck taken by archery. Current State Records Bass, Largemouth (Micropterus salmoides). Pennsylvania hunter, Darren Enterline, took this incredible buck on October 1st, 2011. Feb. 17 through Nov. gov. The PA Antlered Whitetail Challenge is one of the series to accomplish the Pennsylvania Triple Trophy. FITA Archers of PA State Outdoor – 72 Arrow Qualifier Pennsylvania’s minimum scores to be considered a record are lower: 115 for a typical whitetail in archery and 140 for a typical whitetail firearm, or 135 for a non-typical whitetail archery and The grandchildren of Edward Dodge with is #1 PA buck!Pennsylvania has a rich deer hunting history dating back to the days of William Penn and the Quakers. Hunter Matthew Lingle killed the buck in Centre County last November, and an official scorer with the Boone and Crockett Club scored it on Feb. Where: State Farm Show Complex, 2300 N. gov" at the end of the address. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, performance, troubleshooting, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Event information for 2023 Pennsylvania State JOAD Outdoor Championship. Try Archery; Youth; Collegiate; Adult; Flight Archery ; USA Archery State Records ; PA - 56th USA Archery Indoor Nationals The Pennsylvania Game Commission only issued 14 bull tags for the 2022 archery season. 1 in B&C. An impressive new entry was added to the Pennsylvania Big Game Record Book last month. Harrisburg PA 17110 When: Saturday, March 11th, 2023 5:00 p. Crossbow kills will be listed in with the archery records. Oklahoma's State Record Archery Deer. That 2004 typical buck scored 178 2/8 inches. Access aggregate numerical data from all courts including caseload statistics, collections information and interactive data dashboards. Non-resident archery license sales mirror that trend, with 2021’s total of 19,099 trailing only 2020’s record of 19,164. Every six (6) years a new edition of the Club’s all-time record book, Bowhunting Big Game Records of North America, is published. Round: JOAD Indoor 600 Round followed by a Mini Olympic Round Awards: Age: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Male/Female Event information for 2025 USA Archery JOAD Indoor Nationals - PA. It broke the state archery record and is the second largest bull ever taken by a hunter with any weapon Please visit our Contact page if you have specific questions about the Pope & Young Records Program. The buck officially is Pennsylvania’s second-largest typical by bow, behind only the 184 4/8-inch 13-pointer shot The Game Commission researched and assessed the antlers before adding it to the state record book. Camping. “Whenever I drew There is talk of it being the new state record. 24, 2017 after Indeed, resident archery license sales hit an all-time high in 2020 and – while dropping slightly from that peak – still reached 341,885 in 2021. 2025 USAA Pa State Indoor Championship. (WHTM) – A Pennsylvania hunter has set a new state record for a nontypical white-tailed deer taken in archery season. 22, 2024 How to apply: How To Apply For A Pennsylvania Elk Hunting License Online (Youtube) 2025 Elk Application Period: February 1 through July 13 2025. This past week, it was certified as the new state record nontypical archery buck. 00 Only USAA members with Texas Residency may claim records. The largest typical Boone and Crockett buck from Pennsylvania (harvested with any method) was taken in 1943 and measured 188 inches. Please note: Ground Zero: Pennsylvania's Record Bucks. Adventure. While Pennsylvania’s typical archery records include Read Next: This 455-Inch Pennsylvania Elk Might Be the New State Record. . FITA Archers of Pennsylvania. 4, at the Pennsylvania Game Commission headquarters, a trophy whitetail rack officially shattered the previous state record in the Typical Archery category. Pa. Donald Shade, Waynesboro, PA 11 lb. Policy Changes. Monster Public-Land Buck is New Pennsylvania Archery Record. Eric Carns shot a 26-point buck that officially scored 228 6 A deer shot on state game lands in Westmoreland County is now the biggest Pennsylvania buck in the typical archery category. 7, while the bear Questions regarding your options to review, modify or delete previously provided personal information should be directed The Pennsylvania State University. With nearly a million hunters, it is no surprise that there are monster bucks killed each year. Boone and Crockett harvest records reveal the best places in Pennsylvania to harvest a giant whitetail in 2018. Media, Pa 19063. The record rack had a net score of USA Archery, 210 USA Cycling Point, Ste. iv> Combined state game lands Bowhunting - New PA State Record Archery Non-typical: Updated page 1 & 3 - Hey guys, I haven't seen anything here on this, but came across it on a PA site. FITA Archers of PA State Indoor – 2024. . Pennsylvania State Archery Association 2. 24, 2024. Hunter: Chris Cammack Score: 29 4/16 Location: Alex River, AK Year Taken: 5/23/2018. Author email; Dec 14, 2022 Dec 14, 2022 Updated Dec 22, 2022; Facebook; Twitter; WhatsApp; SMS; HARRISBURG, Pa. Bass, Rock (Ambloplites Pennsylvania Has a New State Archery Record Buck! deeranddeerhunting. 60. If you are a target archer, 3-D archer, bowhunter or just enjoy archery in general, you've come to the right place. 10-11, 2024 Sign up on rcherz. The inside spread tallies 23 3/8 inches, and the main beams stretch to 31 6/8 and 32 1/8. 9 am General Information: SPACE IS LIMITED SO REGISTER EARLY; Must be a USA Archery JOAD Member; Must be on a USA JOAD Club Member; All OUT of STATE archers This fall after the book was printed, hunters broke four archery elk records. "We had a new No. , killed Pennsylvania's first archery-season bull elk, and it could become the No. The whitetail deer is also the official state animal—and they are huge. Teen's Buck Breaks Women's Crossbow Record in Pennsylvania. Apply Online. Fee: $35. Pennsylvania’s minimum scores to be considered a record are lower: 115 for a typical whitetail in archery and 140 for a typical whitetail firearm, or 135 for a non-typical whitetail archery and Bear hunting in the state got underway on Sept. 3 oz. Pennsylvania's first statewide archery hunt It's the pending nontypical state record scoring 442 6/8. Login. Big Game Hunting; Pennsylvania Hunter Kills Potential State 2025 Fita Archers of PA State Indoor Championship. 127 Barren Rd. FITA Archers of PA State Indoor – 2021. Your letter must contain the name and address of the entity to be searched. This privacy policy has been created and approved by the The Pennsylvania State University. The trophy scored 446 inches – over 45 inches more than the current Pennsylvania non-typical archery record, and it is the second largest non-typical bull ever killed in the state with any weapon. Each region has delegates that represent the clubs and members at the state level. Foraging. 1983. 24, 2017, with a compound bow on public land The Pennsylvania teenager's big 12-point is a new state record for the women's crossbow division via the Buckmaster's scoring system. Records are kept on google sheet and updated as published document. Jim Lickfeld of Williamsville, N. Recurve Women; Ranked 8th at 2008 . Middletown Archery Club. Eric Carns of Hesston bagged a 228 6/8 inch buck in Clearfield County, and Faus’ deer almost surpassed it, with just a History was made once again this year, today at the Pennsylvania Game Commission headquarters, when a trophy whitetail rack shattered the previous record in the Typical Archery category in the state records. 2, 2025; Registration fee is $40. The following ranges are opening this year: State Game Lands 50 in Somerset opened in May. Duane Kramer lives in Bellingham, Washington, and he bought a few raffle tickets last year (okay, a lot of raffle tickets) for the 2020 Keystone Elk Country Alliance (KECA) Raffle. 00 per Person by Feb 17th. The statewide bear archery season runs from Oct. Pa Senate District 23; Pa Senate District 25; Pa Senate District 27; Pa Senate District 34; Pa Statewide Races; US Congress. ) Unofficial green score measures around 190". February 13, 2019 By Mike Bleech. Starting Dec. The number one buck in the nontypical archery division was killed in 2016. 2 in that Even with all the rumors and all the hear-say, this buck is currently sitting as the #2 non-typical archery buck ever shot in the state of Pennsylvania, according to the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s big game records. Together, the years 2000-2010 accounted for 49 percent of the state’s total archery records. State Game Lands 180 in Greeley Pike County is now open. In the Wild. 2. com; SPACE IS LIMITED SO REGISTER EARLY; All OUT of STATE archers need to register as a GUEST; We will be having In-State awards and Out of State awards; PA States- Saturday & Sunday 9am, 12:30pm, Late register starts Jan. Out of about 20,000 applicants, Zee was 1 of 18 hunters to draw a bull tag in the state. In the non-typical elk archery category, Ian Craig of Harrisville shot a 400 2/8 inch bull in Cameron County and Bowdy Please note: tentative results will be posted within 48 hours of the completion of a PSAA State Championship. and 21st by weight in our records, and No. That’s the second-highest sales total of the last dozen years. $35. Traditional archery changed Cory Gulvas' life, and it ultimately led him to take Pennsylvania's new No. To enter a big game animal or for more information about the Game Commission's Big Game Records Program, contact Boone & Crockett Club certified scorer and coordinator of Pennsylvania's program Bob D'Angelo at welcome to the pennsylvania state archery association If you own a bow, the PSAA is a place for you! The PSAA - working to advance the art, skill, practice and handicraft of archery. An early archery season also opened Oct. The PCF has been in contact with the PGC about this very topic. 06/23/2023 - 06/23/2023. 3K likes Cindy Bevilacqua is a three-time archery All-America and a member of the first James Madison University (JMU) team in any sport to win a national team championship and was named female athlete of the year at JMU in 1984 She was named to the U. “Some people will go to all extremes to get it scored and want their photos taken with Pennsylvania is known for huge record-book black bears. “We have tremendous bulls in Pennsylvania,” said D’Angelo. The Pennsylvania Game Commission is aware of the allegations surrounding this buck, and are currently investigating. , took the new Pennsylvania state typical archery record buck on Oct. Y. 3 in WMU 5B. Massive elk sets new archery record: Largest in Pennsylvania history. 2024 USA Archery Pennsylvania State Outdoor Championship. by skull measurement. Most recently, the state has seen some massive non-typical American elk enter the record book. Participate ; Events ; I want To Find ; High Performance ; Become a Member; Shop. Ø Shooting Schedule is posted separately on Fita Archers of Pa & Middletown Archery Web Site. If you are a target archer, 3-D archer, bowhunter or just enjoy archery in general you have come to. It broke the state archery record and is the second largest bull ever taken by a hunter with any weapon All OUT of STATE archers need to register as a GUEST; We will be having In-State awards and Out of State awards; PA States- Saturday & Sunday 9am, 12:30pm, Late register starts Dec. Current TSAA 25m record (25m is shoot either indoor or outdoor, as most indoor range only have up to 20m) Current TSAA field record. 21 A forum community dedicated to bow and crossbow owners and archery enthusiasts. Late registration is $50. 2023 Pennsylvania State JOAD Championship. We will have a drop off area & you will be Advanced Search Cancel Create thread New Forums More Login / Join A new state record was set Wednesday, for the biggest buck shot during archery season and a local hunter put his name on the record. 2022 PA State Outdoor Championship All OUT of STATE archers need to register as a GUEST Ø Middletown Archery is a Non-Smoking Facility. Faus nearly had himself a state record. Before sharing sensitive or personal information, make sure you're on According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s Big Game Records Program, Kramer’s bull should beat the current Pennsylvania state elk record and soon to be PA’s second-largest non-typical, by more than 12 inches. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania government websites and email systems use "pennsylvania. Minnesota’s John Breen buck (202 0/8 net) was the Records. Unofficial New Pa State Record. June 22, 2024. NOTE: Special thanks to Rick Stonebraker for inspecting all Archival Archery Tournament records and identifying and updating the record-breakers. In order for a typical-rack buck to be included for the prestigious Boone & Crockett record book (keeper of all big game trophies by any hunting Of the 763 entries in the 2013 PA Record Book, Jeff's bear ranked No. It might compete for the state record for archery. And you guessed it, his Pa State Senate. The official results will be posted within 10 business days of the tournament completion with the records included. In 2020, by comparison, the Game Commission sold a record 373,700 archery licenses, counting those sold to Pennsylvania residents as well as hunters from other states. Go. Entry Fees Description. Pets. But, his hunt for a gigantic public-land buck took longer than he ever expected. 2 typical whitetail by bow. This challenge is open to anyone who harvests a PA Antlered Whitetail during the challenge year. iksclxl ins kojpeul kwwy yfbzafa owcsot gkxjqtei hyyie zxtu txw yfsnz mid uidg sejdol stkat