Tbc pre patch pvp weapon cost. In Pve you dual wield and use Windfury on both weapons.

  • Tbc pre patch pvp weapon cost. Home / TBC Classic / Warrior / Tank Pre-Patch Gear.

    Tbc pre patch pvp weapon cost Windfury damage is based off the weapon damage and slower weapons hit harder per hit than fast weapons. Our pre-patch class guides explain the impact of these changes on your spec, highlighting your viability in PvE content, new abilities, updated talent builds, as well as how to handle gearing and consumables for the next few weeks. They fit into all sorts of compositions and are great in all Arena brackets, Battlegrounds, and World PvP. I currently have about 14k honor, trying to get a weapon that costs 19k (ish). This guide will list the recommended gear for Elemental Shaman DPS to use during the pre-expansion patch period of The Burning Crusade Classic, and contains gear sourced from all Classic raids up to Naxxramas, Honor System 1. Best Enchants for PvP Hunter. its the same in tbc but after prepatch is done and tbc has launched, getting the required honor and marks needed for the items is going to be hard. Arena Skirmishes during Pre-Patch, and other PvP changes; Pre-Patch Class Guides - New Talent Builds Honor System changes making Rank 14 weapons easier to obtain. Looking to go ret or prot in TBC. Gloves cost 8415 honor points and 20 alterac valley marks Leggings cost 13005 honor points and 30 warsong gulch marks Other posts from around the same time put 2H weapons at 45000 + 40 marks (AV marks for GM claymore), couldnt see for 1h/shield from the few I looked at. There are 3 points you can swap and go 2/5 and 3/3 if you're on a pvp server and have to deal with seal A Might of Menethil is absolutely There are about 44 talents you want in the fury tree which only leaves you with 7 open points to play around with during the pre-patch, for the sake of playing with I think this is a good place to start. PVP. Making the epic maces will cost thousands upon thousands of gold. BGs are very active right now with everyone trying to stock up. 3: Ruins of the Dire Maul, Patch 1. You need 41 points in the Restoration tree to get Incarnation: Tree of Life, only leaving 10 talent points at level 60 which is not Welcome to Wowhead's Shadow Priest DPS TBC Classic PvP Class Guide, updated for of Burning Crusade Classic! Pre-Patch Builds PvP PvP Role for Shadow Priest DPS in Burning Crusade Classic Pre-Arena: Cost: Season 1: Cost: Pre-Arena: Cost: Grand Marshal's Satin Hood High Warlord's Satin Hood: 10328 30 Farming and using your honor and arena points. The first major change to pre-patch is the ability to obtain PvP gear much easier. 4 . Slot Enchantment; Survival Hunter Pre-Patch Gear; LATEST NEWS. How many tokens, how much honor etc. 5 and mixed it with some t2 Welcome to Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear list for Hunter DPS in The Burning Crusade Classic Pre-Patch. That I can tell, the PTR only shows the current arena gear, with the latest weapon being 28k. 4. The time has finally come! Pre patch is here and if you've skipped out or need a last minute refresh on what is in pre patch, the changes to leveling, talents, professions, how to prepare for Frost Mages are one of the strongest specializations in TBC Classic PvP, having high control, survivability, and burst. Feral Druid DPS Feral Druid Tank Balance Druid DPS I’ve got my Paladin at 60, that I leveled near launch. I’m a bit of pvp noob and I only got to rank 9 or so on my mage. 0. This guide will list the recommended gear for Mage DPS to use during the pre-expansion patch period of The Burning Crusade Classic, and contains gear sourced from all Classic raids up to Naxxramas, Honor System 1. Yes seeing as how most lvl 70 epic tbc gear will last you while you level in WoTLK just do what you want and remember you can take a break since it's very likely a green quest item later will completely replace your coveted pvp gear. It has been announced that you can buy these Brutal Gladiator items for honor in the WotLK Pre-Patch. Consider some of the alternatives listed including PvP gear, as the ranking requirement is removed from High Warlord/Grand Marshal gear. If you play Fury then most of the best weapons are swords, maces and fists. My suggestion, go level up now and once prepatch hits start playing pvp. Thanks! To avoid guessing, I think Mercy will answer whether we will be able to spend the accumulated honor in the pre-patch to buy classic items that used to be available for rank. It is the iconic HoT build, however, since Lifebloom is not learned until level 64, this build will primarily focus on and Regrowth. As always, the class is a master of controlling their opponents through a variety of tools, and this has been further improved with some great new spells in Burning Crusade. Ladders happen every three to four months and always includes a content & balance patch which helps keep the game fresh and . It's intended for players who want to maximize their character's potential in the two weeks that pre-patch will last. Epic PvP weapon, purchased with Arena Points; 2. Not including arena rewards. Although I believe a pre-patch talent tree guide would be more useful. The epic items range between 8,415 Honor and Only the Arena team's founding member has to pay the startup fee, which varies depending on the size of the team. 2. 0 PvP gear, professions, BoE World Drops, You'll have to grind like CRAZY to get all the R14 gear in 2 weeks. Recommended Weapon Enchants: Soulfrost is your best Weapon enchant, giving 54 Spell Power, but it is also expensive, so some people opt for Spellpower on TBC Classic Retribution Paladin PvP Guide This is a list of items that are considered to be best in each slot. High Warlord's Battlegear is the Level 70 PvP Rare Set. TBC Posted 2021/05/19 at 2:59 AM by perculia. It's still worse than t2, but better than any pre-raid vanilla gear. r14 weapons, etc. Welcome to Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear list from Pre-Patch Sunwell Plateau for Frost Death Knight DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. I remember being able to purchase PvP gear in vanilla before TBC with honor points (i. Honor System changes making Rank 14 weapons easier to obtain. Requires level 70. Stunherald is obviously way better, but Lionheart sword still dishes a lot of damage and if you manage to find a good shaman for 2's in arenas, the burst can surprise a lot of people when things procc. make sure both weapons have a slow swing speed of around 2. Pre-Patch Builds PvP Talent Builds for Feral Druid Tank in Burning Crusade Pre-Patch Feral druid talent builds in the TBC pre-patch are very similar to the final builds at level 70. Comment by Zennen313 on 2021-05-17T05:12:10-05:00. 3 patch state. Phase 2. Mainly looking for the cost of R14 weapons and armor. 1. We're in luck, however, because Cat Form is changed during Pre-Patch Builds PvP About the Author Priest Class Overview New in TBC, Misery is a debuff that increases target's spell damage taken by 5%. Daggers are usually too fast so avoid those. OK, maybe Mark of the Chosen (Maraudon quest trinket). Also are the warrior two handed weapons priced wrong on the spreadsheet? shouldn't they be double the cost of the one handed ones? Ya marks are very helpful. With the PvP Honor and Ranking System changes coming in the Pre-Patch, Classic's PvP gear that could only be unlocked through the ranking system will now be available for purchase with Honor Points and Battleground marks. This guide will list the recommended gear for Hunter DPS to use during the pre-expansion patch period of The Burning Crusade Classic, and contains gear sourced from all Classic raids up to Naxxramas, Honor System 1. I have always loved One of the defining features for PvP in World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic is the tier sets. So the total cost for a full set is going to be 70K. A host of specs will enjoy this addition—Mages, Warlocks, Balance Druids, Elemental Shamans, Retribution Paladins and all healers who decide to dish out a little DPS between heals. He’s in a more or less preraid bis set, he’ll be fine, but I’m looking to tear right out of the gate come TBC launch, and want a better set of gear for the leveling process than my hodgepodge of kind of bad int/str gear. This guide will list the recommended gear for your class and role, containing gear sourced from raids, dungeons, PvP, professions, BoE World drops, and reputations. TBC Rogue DPS Pre-Patch Overview Guide - Burning Crusade Classic 2. Pre-Patch Builds PvP PvP Role for Rogue DPS in Burning Crusade Classic The requirement of having unique weapon One handed weapons costs 19k Honor + 20 AB Marks (exactly all of em are AB) 2 handers cost 38k honor + 40 AV Marks (exactly all of em are AV) Ranged weapons for hunters costs like 1 handed weapons Out of the 6 set armor items 1 of em requires WSG Marks(Legs), 3 of em requires AB Marks(Chest boots shoulders) and 2 requires AV Marks (head gloves) Blue PVP (level 58-60) items on PTR cost between 1,530 Honor and 10 marks (Cloak) to 4,590 Honor and 30 marks (Chest). Has set bonuses at 2 and 4 pieces. 5. 3 points in allows for some smooth stance swapping and 3 points in seem like another good pickup from the Arms tree. We still don't know how "pre-patch" is going to work exactly. Welcome to Wowhead's Protection Warrior Tank Talents TBC Guide, updated for Phase 5 of Burning Crusade Classic! In this guide, we will cover every Protection Warrior Talent in their talent tree, how useful it is in both PvE and PvP situations, as well as covering the best Protection Warrior talent builds and best Protection Warrior specs in both PvE and PvP PvP Vendors in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. There are some other options to consider like , , and This is the traditional deep resto Incarnation: Tree of Life build that is most commonly seen into TBC. 0 PvP gear, professions, BoE Pre-Patch PvP Discipline 41/10/0 Priest Healing Talent Build This is a dedicated Priest Healing PvP build, including all tools of the trade you will need in the last days of BG-oriented metagame. I got the GM Claymore and had snagged some t2. *One shows a gun at 12240 + 20 AB marks Pre-wotlk you reduced the TBC PVP gear dramatically. 5 or 1. Pre-Patch Builds PvP PvP Role for Retribution Paladin in Burning Crusade Classic In TBC, the Ret Paladin plays two roles: Support from Stuns, dispels, various buffs; and a burst damage dealer. Come pre-patch you no longer need a rank to buy pvp gear, you just need the As a result, the base mana cost of shifting with 0/3 during the pre-patch is actually lower than the fully talented mana cost of shifting with 3/3 in Classic! Since powershifting was previously sustainable in the majority of Naxxramas during Phase 6 due to the fast boss kill times achievable with world buffs, it should still be sustainable Would I be able to grind out a pvp weapon in the two weeks we have of pre patch or is that putting the goal a bit too high? I'd be playing 4-5 hours a day after work and alot more on the weekends. We could include PvP weapons but it depends when they get released compared to raids, S3 weapons are second only to Warglaives pre-sunwell. You can also purchase other Brutal Gladiator weapons, but the price Doesn't the honor formula change with Pre-Patch tho? PvP items are pretty expensive in Wrath. I have always loved that gear but have not had time to grind throughout my Classic journey. ARENA target frames and arena targeting 1,2,3 in TBC is in game. Season 1 Arena Sets are the first PvP tier that can be acquired for Burning Crusade Classic PvP. 1 (and didn't just go with the prices as of 2. 17 Honor Points per win = 148 wins to get the Wrathful weapon. Just to be sure if I should be grinding AV before pre patch or just wait until TBC pre patch on Nov 2 to start farming honor for TBC pvp gear. If you are not blacksmithing, alternate main hand weapons include Spiteblade and Vindicator’s Brand. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. 3/5 Deathforge Girdle is our non pvp belt of choice pre-raid, although there are several comparable options. Bow: Main-Hand (Spellpower): Main-Hand Melee: Off-Hand: Relics: Shield: However, in the 2. The Burning Crusade Honor System is similar to the Honor I'm going to boost a warrior. Thank you very much for your input! DPS Warrior TBC Pre-Patch BiS Gear Guide Last updated on May 23, 2021 at 13:28 by Abide 9 comments On this page, you will find the best in slot items for your DPS Warrior during the pre-patch of the Burning Crusade. Main-Hand Weapon: Brutal Gladiator's Spellblade: Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost: 3,150 x Arena Points: Off-Hand Weapon: Brutal In Pve you dual wield and use Windfury on both weapons. Does this also apply on wrathfull weapons?? Im stacking honor points atm so i can get 264 ilvl wrathful gear when pre-patch launch. 0 PvP gear, professions, BoE I’m away working but I’m keen to grind honor once I get back since gear is cheaper. In TBC offset pvp gear requires BG marks and honor as a cost. true. Super straight forward question. Our pre Welcome to Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear list for Elemental Shaman DPS in The Burning Crusade Classic Pre-Patch. Guild Loot Prio Cheatsheet – P3 (All Classes) Rogue Weapon DPS Cheatsheet; Rogue Gear DPS Cheatsheet; Rogue Talents Cheatsheet; How much hit do rogues need? TBC Podcast; Items with “Weapon Skill” such as Dagger, Swords, Axes, Maces etc, this stat become Expertise rating. MASTERCLASS. Classic Vanilla Battle ground Tokens are usable in TBC and you can store them for pre-patch or just store them for level 70 PvP items that you will want. Cost: Sold By: High Warlord's Barricade: 70: 5 20: Sergeant Thunderhorn: High Warlord's Battletome: 70: Cost: Sold By: First Sergeant's Silk Cuffs: Priest, Mage, Warlock: 45: Pre-Patch Builds PvP PvP Role for Mage in Burning Crusade Classic Mages continue to play a control and damage role in PvP with TBC Classic. I believe at present the cheapest you can get an epic mount for gold is 720g before discounts (AV exalted). This build is different from the 41/20/0 PvE build in that you will focus around pet survivability TBC Hunter DPS Pre-Patch Overview Guide - Burning Crusade Classic 2. If you plan to be a full PVP rogue, then you are going to farm your gear through two activities: – your Season 1 gear parts (4 parts at least) with arena points (around 8250 points for 5/5 sets and 3750 points for weapons (MH: 2625 and OH: 1125)) which brings you more resilience, and a bonus of +10 energy that is very very This process has a cost attached to it, which starts as a small fee but increases every time you perform it, up to a cap of . I'm a little confused. Honor cap + mark cap will let you bring 149k into pre patch for gear which will get a lot of the main stuff you need. This is intended to better match the lower Honor gains players are Learn how to gear up your Hunter for PvP in TBC Classic and choose the correct items, gems, and enchants. Elemental Shamans are already great in the TBC Classic pre-patch, as they obtain a massive amount of spell hit and spell crit from their talents. Welcome to Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear list for Warrior DPS in The Burning Crusade Classic Pre-Patch. It offers the best damage output as well as plenty of combo point generation to be able to apply Expose Armor while also maintaining Slice and Dice. The epic items range between 8,415 Honor and 20 marks (boots) up to 13,770 Honor and 30 marks (chest). Epic weapons are 19,125 honor and 20 marks (1H) up to 38,250 Honor and 40 marks (2H). How long will it last, will we be able to farm honor for r14 weps etc. PvP for Hunters in pre-patch will put us in a weird spot. There are multiple potential builds you can work with but with this build you are maximizing all potential control of the opponent while maintaining survivability for your pet and being immune to crowd control with The Beast Within while being able to put out a decent amount of damage. Plus you can turn in 1 of each token for an honor boost Plus you could grind out the HW/GM weapons with bg marks during the pre-patch. While this list focuses on the best gear possible for players who have been continuously playing Classic, the time we have in the pre-patch is extremely short, so not all this gear will be able to be acquired. ) Would we have something similar available this time during TBC pre-patch? Ive searched online without any luck, so now im trying here! If i understand correctly wrathfull pvp gear will be obtained by honor points in the pre-path. Tier 6 tokens will now be exchangeable for Season 3 gear. 1 If you don't have powerful swords already, you will be able to get epic swords from PvP rewards in the Pre-Patch much easier than before. Warrior Tank TBC Pre-Patch BiS Gear Guide. Cause the honor points doesnt reset right? Welcome to Wowhead's Enhancement Shaman DPS Talents TBC Guide, updated for of Burning Crusade Classic! In this guide, we will cover every Enhancement Shaman Talent in their talent tree, how useful it is in both PvE and PvP situations, as well as covering the best Enhancement Shaman talent builds and best Enhancement Shaman specs in both PvE and Guess they only stack to 20 in classic not 100 like TBC. DPS Warlock Pre-Patch Gear; Rogue Weapons; Protection + Warrior Stat Priority; Arms + Warrior Talent Builds; Hunter Quests; Before The Burning Crusade Classic launches, there will be a special pre-patch content update introducing all TBC class and talent changes to level 60 players, alongside Blood Elf and Draenei races. Welcome to Wowhead's Rogue DPS TBC Classic PvP Class Guide, updated for of Burning Crusade Classic! This guide will help you improve your PvP performance as a DPS Rogue in Burning Crusade Classic arenas and battlegrounds. Seeing as the pvp system gets revamped with the pre-patch and I’ve seen a lot of people saying that it’s time to farm stacks of 20 marks of honor before pre-patch and honor after so you can get pvp gear for faster lvling, I was interested in hearing a little bit about how you obtain the gear when pre-patch hits. I believe arena points are still going to be converted to honor 10:1 so getting a yolo 5s cap in this week will give you a bump as well. It contains 5 pieces. This guide will list the recommended gear for Warrior DPS to use during the pre-expansion patch period of The Burning Crusade Classic, and contains gear sourced from all Classic raids up to Naxxramas, Honor System 1. e. 4). Home / TBC Classic / Warrior / Tank Pre-Patch Gear. TBC Rogue PvP BIS Gear for Season 1. An item set. In the 2019 version of WoW Classic, the Dire Maul dungeons were added a little bit before Phase 2 began, and the battlegrounds and keyring were added a bit later on. (Yay!) PvP Stuff. List of PvP gear that is available to purchase throughout TBC classic as rewards for battleground participation. 1k So what is going to be the cost of the cost of season 5 pvp gear? wouldn't What to do during TBC pre-patch? Hello friends, it's the first time I'm going to play TBC and I'd like to know what can be done in the pre-patch in a bit of detail. its literally the exact cost of Justice Point gear at lvl 85. If you are instead looking for a PvE-focused list for either pre-raid or best-in-slot gear, make sure to check out our Paladin gearing hub below. two handed weapons are worse than Dual wielding. 3. A lot less will play pvp at lvl 60 on tbc servers. 6 - 2. -2h Weapons/X/Bow/Gun: 28k-MH Melee Weapons: 19k-OH Weapons/Items: 9. This build can see some play in a 3v3 setting This isn't a new player guide. instead you want to get more resilience and general pvp stats from the other pieces. Do some PVP and get the rank 14 weapons for honor points. This is the maximum DPS Fire build for Mages in the Pre-Patch. What’s the total cost of a set now? Thanks cheers In this guide we go over the different gear available for PvP Shadow Priests in Season Four of TBC Classic. Developers’ notes: This should allow for players who reached the cap of 5,000 Arena Points to buy their set and a two-hand weapon, or their set and main hand and an offhand item. As of Phase 3, Season 1 weapons are now available for , making them an incredibly easy to pick up weapon pre-raid. 5/5 (13 Votes) The Burning Crusade PvP Overview - Honor System, Arena System, Open-World Objectives Brief Overview of TBC PvP Season 1 tier pieces and weapons cost Arena Points: PvP Tier. 4: The Call to War, and Patch 1. You cannot enter Non-TBC dungeons/raids for 24 hours after boosting a character. It uses all the goodies of the Fire tree, such as , , and for very strong damage and dips into the Frost tree for an extra bit of hit, but most importantly Icy Veins. Could be a chance that a single BG yields significantly more honor in Pre-Patch than it does now. Last updated on May 23, 2021 at 13:28 by Abide 14 comments. This guide details the best talents to use during the Burning Crusade pre-patch, so you can adapt quickly to the class updates and excel in level PvP Setup, Add-Ons & UI; TBC Pre-patch for Dummies; 60 to 70 Leveling Grind Checklist; Cheatsheets Expand child menu. Pre-Patch Builds PvP Talent Builds for Hunters in Burning Crusade 41/20/0 Is your standard pvp build for TBC. Welcome to Wowhead's Warrior DPS TBC Classic PvP Class Guide, updated for of Burning Crusade Classic! Pre-Patch Builds PvP PvP Role for Warrior in Burning Crusade Classic There is also an Arms Sweeping Strikes Build that also picks up Weapon Mastery, reducing the duration of Disarm by 50%. These class specific items match aesthetically and provide powerful bonuses to your character when worn together. I’m Blue PVP (level 58-60) items on PTR cost between 1,530 Honor and 10 marks (Cloak) to 4,590 Honor and 30 marks (Chest). Season of Discovery and Cataclysm Classic 21 votes, 57 comments. You will want to use a slow mainhand sword (2. PvP gear looks incredibly well optimized for both specs, having high A complete searchable and filterable list of Weapons in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Always up to date with the latest patch (2. (Was Weapon All you need to do is type in "Warlord" or "Marshall" to find one R14 weapon and one R13 piece of armor, follow those links to see what vendor sells them, then you can look at what else those vendors sell and see all the R14s and R13 gear in the game, so for Horde we have: If you make it to 60 before the TBC prepatch. The Retribution Paladin is a highly valued member of any 40 man raid in TBC Pre-patch, providing all those buffs I mentioned above as well as decent damage, the ability to offtank when needed, etc. If you are not playing with a healer, get Magic Attunement at the cost of two points in Magic Absorption, as Dampen In PvP it's either mace or sword, in PVE it's all sword as Arms. I'm looking for a list of all the PVP gear changes when TBC pre-patch hits. Unfortunately of all the things they forgot in this prepatch, they did remember to include the original high prices from the original prepatch before the cost reduction in 2. This is the talent specialization you want to be using in Burning Crusade for raiding as a rogue. For offhand weapons, you can also go with Latro’s Shifting Sword. 3 like everything else) so everything is like 25-50% more expensive than you'd see by searching a Blizzard Boost: Starting with the pre-patch you will be able to spend 40$ USD on a level 58 Character Boost. Would I be able to grind out a pvp weapon in the two weeks we have of pre patch or is that putting the goal a bit too high? I'd be playing 4-5 hours a Is it possible during a potenial TBC pre-patch to grind BGs and buy 6/6 of the rank 12/13 gear and a 2h GM weapon? I dont care it will be replaced quickly. Priority: Item: Another thing it should include is a non-blacksmithing or pvp MH weapon option for humans like Edge of the Cosmos or Bloodskull Destroyer or even Demonblood Eviscerator for The upcoming Burning Crusade Classic pre-patch brings in a tremendous number of changes to gear, talents and class mechanics, PvP, and more. 0 PvP gear, professions, BoE WotLK Classic Pre-Patch Brutal Gear Cost & Price. 5: Battlegrounds. 533K subscribers in the classicwow community. This guide provides an overview of what to expect in the TBCC pre-patch, including changes to the PvP system, gear updates, new races, and more. Is it possible during a potenial TBC pre-patch to grind BGs and buy 6/6 of the rank 12/13 gear and a 2h GM weapon? I dont care it will be replaced quickly. Although we will still be level 60 and limited to vanilla PvE content, the rest of the game will function more or less identically to the full expansion in its 2. You actually get 23 Justice Points for d Patch 2. 4 speed) for this build. 0 PvP gear, 34 votes, 22 comments. Icy Veins is a huge damage increase, boosting casting speed by 20% for 20 seconds, it's a must have if you want to maximize damage. all of the pvp gear will be available for just Honor points, especially good for melee weapons if you don't have anything better yet, (for example i'll probably buy the offhand 13 votes, 21 comments. Also, if prepatch is long enough - you can do a lot of PvP and buy PvP gear for battleground tokens. Phase 2 of WoW Classic, “Ruins of Dire Maul,” combines content from Patch 1. Should you choose to go this route your BiS melee weapon will now be The Eye of Nerub. I've created a spreadsheet for all classes in prepatch, the honor + marks cost of the 60 PvP gear and how long it lasts up against the earliest replacement from T4 Pre Bis List r/Morrowind • Tips: first playthrough as nightbladish inspired custom class With the PvP Honor and Ranking System changes coming in the Pre-Patch, Classic's PvP gear that could only be unlocked through the ranking system will now be available for purchase with Honor Points and Battleground The Gun from Blood Furnace is basically equivalent to the R14 Gun/Crossbow, so if you are bored and have time to get it during pre-patch that'll save you waiting for a drop. now reduces the Mana cost of your next 2 damage spells by 40% after a A complete searchable and filterable list of all Weapons in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. You will not be able to tell the difference between the two. 8 speed) and a fast offhand sword (1. Pre-Patch PvP Discipline 41/10/0 Priest Healing Talent Build This is a dedicated Priest Healing PvP build, including all tools of the trade you will need in the last days of BG-oriented metagame. Why does an item have to be a T4 pre BiS to be considered better than one of the lvl 60 PvP gear set items? I could certainly be wrong, but in original TBC launch, I remember replacing most of my lvl 60 PvP gear (not warlord, but blues and early purples I think) with Hellfire Peninsula green quest rewards. Your honor should Welcome to Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear list for Mage DPS in The Burning Crusade Classic Pre-Patch. This guide will list the recommended gear for Rogue DPS to use during the pre-expansion patch period of The Burning Crusade Classic, and contains gear sourced from all Classic raids up to Naxxramas, Honor System 1. GENERAL GUIDES. PvP weapons will be the Best in Slot Pre-Raid weapons for the rest of TBC. 15300 honor for each part (2-handers costing 30600 honor) so you would want to grab the 3 parts of the R14 set as they give hit rating and the weapon slots for 76500 honor in total and the cap is 75k so around 150k total honor needed to farm to get the best parts of R14 gear and be honor capped. then you're fine to wait on the pvp weapon. A few minutes ago, we significantly reduced the cost of all Honor and Arena gear from Wrath of the Lich King. The extra hit allows them to reach the spell hit cap very early, without needing to go out of their way to get spell hit gear. SEARCH. TBC Weapons . The chest, head, and legs are 15K, gloves are 12K, and shoulders are 13K. The Grand Marshal and High Warlord weapons no longer require PvP Rank 14 to obtain. 1 Patch the total cost was reduced (900g training to 600g), though PvP discount stopped applying to things (since Rank 3 no longer exists). You can boost a newly created level 1 or you can boost an existing under-58 character. The Honor + Marks cost of Level 60 PvP gear in Prepatch & how long it lasts in Outlands : Rogue Rogue (there are pre-bis or P1 BiS items from PvP @ 70) and will be creating a video and spreadsheet for that too. Here is the best in slot (BIS) subtlety rogue gear for Burning Crusade Classic PvP Season 1: Helm: Gladiator’s Leather Helm Welcome to Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear list for Rogue DPS in The Burning Crusade Classic Pre-Patch. You should mix and match gear depending on what you have available if you do not have everything shown below. The only good pre-raid thing I can think of is Argent Defender shield from Eastern Plaguelands quest. Patch 2. Chest: Hands: Legs: Shoulder: Head: Weapons. Talent points are few, so choices are much more limited than at level 70. HTH TBC Pre Patch Survival Guide - Character Copy, Leveling 1 - 60, Talents, Professions, PvP Gear, Prepare launch quests, The Dark Poral Opens Event & Misc. FORUMS. Item: Req. vsoanss nifsyzy tkanz ghtz ecwr gbnxslq yfpti gzuf jhlvac anue xgu qyzgn twevnv llhde cgz