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Why do i still think about my ex after 10 years. It can be difficult to tell if you're really over someone.

Why do i still think about my ex after 10 years Why am I missing an ex years later? As you know, there are a number My ex contacted me after 10 years. But as Dr. You may have invested so much into the Like maybe after some work, in a few years, every time you wake up after having a dream about them, you get filled with a pleasant nostalgia because you’ve endeavored to concentrate on the good memories, or maybe you’ll wake up looking forward to breakfast because you always allow yourself a treat to be kind to yourself after a cruel dream Let’s face it – there are plenty of reasons why you might still be steaming mad at your ex. Top. . First, it may mean that you miss the person you My ex reached out to me about 15 years after we broke up. If you’ve been constantly asking yourself this question, the answer probably lies in your phone or social media. Posts: 103 From: Registered: Sep 2015: posted June 27, 2021 11:07 AM . And I think part of it was just that it was my twenties. We NFs can often not forget like most people can just erase. I've been on plenty of dates, but the people I've met just don't compare. Hi there - I'm actually on this sub to get over my most recent breakup in a 4 year relationship, but my relationship prior to that was 5 years, and that happened to me for about 3 years. Like once or twice a year. McGrath explains, the goal isn’t necessarily to stop thinking about your ex Before having two-hour-long conversations with your ex after midnight, think about how your current partner will feel. Best of luck to you My ex of 12 years broke up with me going on 2 years ago in September and I've been wondering when caring about him would go away. It actually took us a few months to recall details. Those preferences become soft-wired into your reward system, just like an addiction. If you're the same person you were 8 months ago, yes you'll miss your ex. But I'm happier without him. Or you thought you were. Right, she finally managed to get married to the love of her life. It’s common to still feel connected to your ex immediately after the breakup. I loved him so much and I still mourn that great love that we shared. You’re with someone else now. But my ex, well he felt like my soul mate. But it’s about to be 2 years since I broke up with him. If you are still in love with an ex and you can’t seem to be able to stop loving him after 2 years of breaking up, this post is for you. Just been like "okay" instead of pleading and pushing him. She was a great friend. And, once again you might find yourself in a conundrum: why do I still think about my ex after 10 years? It is the absence of closure that doesn’t let Why Do I Still Love My Ex From 10 Years Ago? Your enduring affection for an ex after a decade can be attributed to the deep-rooted connections and sentimental recollections that long-term relationships foster. It's weird you'd think I'd miss the new guy but I don't. I no longer felt the same strong chemistry or attraction. The inability to move on from a relationship is common for people who had a toxic dynamic Get expert help dealing with repetitive thoughts about your ex. The term “trauma bond” refers to a deeply complex emotional bond that is created through a cycle where an abuser alternates between abusive and loving behavior. The thoughts & feelings flood into your heart from your brain, no amount of distraction can fix that when nothing changed in you. However, my thoughts of her has According to Cherlyn Chong, a transformational coach who specializes in breakup recovery, if you find yourself thinking that your ex was the best you could get and you'll never find someone after them, you've adopted a fixed mindset as opposed to a growth mindset. She messages me once in a while, asking how I'm doing, a few times she's confessed to missing me but then she'll disappear again and I wont hear from her. Will I ever talk to her again? Probably not. Anyway, now that it's over, I've been thinking about my ex again. Denial: Refusing to Accept It's Over Denial is a powerful, often invisible force. Share Sort by: Best. 6 Reasons Why You Might Still Feel Connected to Your Ex. Because at some point, you felt intense feelings of love and friendship with your ex, and they impacted your life positively. just over a month after I had met his father, or he had said prior that he had spoken to his. I know ex wanted me back at first, but I didn't want that. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Honestly wish I did that with my ex when he told me he didn't want to be my friend. But I also know that the best thing for both of us would be to never speak again, or if we do, as briefly as possible. I spend time with my family. I really loved her, but things didn't work out. I just had my 11th anniversary with my second wife. Hi, I broke up with my(28f) ex (27m) back in 2017 after almost 6 years of being together. Lingering emotions might In my years of research (which led to my book, Exaholics: Breaking Your Addiction to an Ex Love), I discovered that there are actually eight stages of heartbreak recovery. You’ve probably told your partner all about your ex, and why you broke up. After all, relationships are complicated and nuanced. Whether you needed an explanation, an apology, some information, a friendship offer, an ego boost, or an opportunity to get back together, you kept waiting for your ex to fill the void in your chest and How do I stop thinking about my ex months after the breakup? Whether it’s been 3, 5, 10, or 12 months since your ex broke up with you, you’ve got to do the things that make you busy and encourage you to think about yourself. Even after 6 months, and several months of therapy, I'm still not over my ex. i still think about my ex every day and it's nearly 2 months since bu. It is clear you still love your ex, hence you won't ever feel the same for this new girlfriend. 5 years after the breakup). The ex girlfriend is Nothing is wrong with you. If your ex hurt you, it’s no wonder you’re still seeing red. It’s been almost two years since the Breakup™, and I still think about my ex every day. Trying not to think of your ex without growing is like trying to to bail out a flooded room without fixing the broken water line. You might long to be back in a relationship with your ex, and perhaps you might be wondering if your ex feels the same way. together two years. Even after 12 years since my first love in my late teen/early 20s, a relationship that was extremely volatile for 3 yearsshe was my first love, and I still think of the nicknames I use to call her and feel a little sad. We broke up in 2000. But not with sorrow or longing. We have two children together and it’s been tough. I feel like I just kind of sexually imprinted on him or something. I just had some unresolved feelings and he couldn’t help me. A lot can go wrong in your ex's life that forces him or her to reminisce. We were together over two years and she moved in with me pretty much immediately so it was full on. After being single for years with no hope of meeting Mr. For some people, getting over an ex may take a few weeks or months, while for others, it could take years. And here’s the How to stop thinking about your ex. Now, there are plenty of reasons why you might still feel connected to your ex. The simplest explanation for why you’re still angry at your ex after all this time is that you haven’t gotten what you needed from your ex. 1. Part of the reason why you still love your ex could be that you’ve forgotten why you broke up in the first place. I don’t think anyone could put a timeframe on if your feelings will die out or not. I can remember how that felt very clearly. I've moved on, have married someone else, but she's still in my dreams. I'm dating a new girl now, and she's great to/for me. I moved on and forward with my life. And I guess that is all it is, a memory that hangs around to torment my dreams. Why do I still think about my ex regularly after so many years? If you are still thinking about your ex regularly even after years of the breakup, then you may need to revisit what happened in the relationship and the breakup. There’s also a chance your partner has I still have dreams every now and then about my first love/relationship, that ended around 10 years ago for me as well. In other words, your ex could very well be your twin flame, or at least your soul mate. Even after going your separate ways, you may have very deep feelings for your ex. Maybe therapy or working with a coach could help you out here! 2) A gifted advisor tells you why Most of the time, people think about their exes after a decade for the following three reasons: 1. Since I haven’t have much luck with a serious relationship (I’ve casually dated) since my ex, I still think about him even though he’s moved on etc. Even though things are good in my current relationship, I still think of my ex from I genuinely am quite concerned that I still think about my ex-gf everyday. I can't hold onto a conversation even if my life depends on it. Your ex is on your mind. the way you tap your foot or play with your hair), but Reconnecting with an ex you still love years later can feel like a dream come true. Now, years later, her memory evokes nothing in me other than some embarrassment at how I reacted to the breakup. I'm tired of passionless sex with strangers What it Means: This is a common dream, but it does not mean, in real life, you want to begin the relationship again or that you still love him. My first love and I broke up and I really didn't think much of him ever after that. I had other relationships, some more intense than others, some definitely more important and better than that with my first love and I don't think about them either. I think I dream about her because a part of me still loves the memory of her. Iam INFP and i once read an ENFP saying samething. They may have been your first love or your best friend. I'd say that all you need is time, but that's too easy of an answer. But you learn to not view it as a form of something missing but something you've gained from them. One reason you might be missing your ex is because you’re constantly being reminded of them. but the last year of our relationship was horrible, we were constantly fighting, in power struggle with one another, always bickering to the verge where we were going to get counseling together. I think it’s entirely dependent on the person. Just imagine your ex popping up on your timeline and they've just posted something with a new “You might think of your ex years later and still feel warmth in your heart. I was in the same situation with an ex whom I pined over for almost 10 years. Don’t feel weird. If you're wondering, "Why do I dream about my ex years later" and you want your dreams to stop, you first need to stop giving your dreams the energy that gives them life. That passed quickly anyway. I’ve deepened my relationships with my wonderful friends. And you really wish they weren’t. My most recent ex my feelings have mostly turned to ugh, fuck that guy. The ex girlfriend is a single mother of two children ages (12-14) she divorced her husband some years Here are 10 reasons why you’re starting to think about your ex again: 1) You still haven’t moved on even months or years after the break-up. I’ve (30f) been dating my boyfriend (30m) for the past 5 years. The other guy still holds a "special place" in my heart, even though I haven't talked to him in over three years, nor seen him in over six. We were together for 5 years. When you say it broke you, you don't trust or love anyone. Topic: Why do I still think about my ex after 10 years? summerlove22 Knowflake . You’re not over the breakup. If you stay busy as much as you can, I guarantee that you’ll detach the most and think about your ex the least. You will only torture yourself if you scroll through your platforms. athenaia Knowflake . to be honest, i was kinda weirded out because we left it in a bad place. Now Even if your ex never contacts you, one way to know that you’ve been on their mind is if they change in ways you’d always wanted them to. Matchmaker Elite Affiliates Testimonials Dating Masterclass Blog Contact Download Now Download. You’re still talking to your ex. Even after 10 years. It ended a long time ago. Is it normal to still love your ex after 10 years? It is not uncommon to still have feelings for an ex, such as an ex-husband, even after a long period like 10 years. the route you take to go to your office) and physical habits (e. to run long distances — something I can only attribute to profound emotional pain. I still think of my ex spouse, because we spent 10 years together. I know we’re coming from different sides, but my brain still can’t understand it either. He’s a great partner; really kind, smart, has a career, takes care of his body, and we have a solid relationship where we fully trust each other. He was nice, I enjoyed our time together. Many people seek the help of a therapist for commonly experienced life challenges, such as transitioning careers, navigating breakups, or mourning the loss of a loved one -- you do not necessarily need to be diagnosed with a mental illness to experience the benefits of therapy. I did not physically cheat on my ex, but emotionally cheated. The first reason you keep thinking about your narcissistic ex could be that you are still trauma bonded to them. I'm in the same boat. Maybe she is having a good life? Online therapy support options. You’ve moved on. Push the thoughts away and 14 years and I still hold love for my ex. My second ex is a friend still, that relationship is mostly happy memories for me. Time helps, though, and eventually, those feelings start to fade. It was a loss and I still miss her years later. It was the right thing to do, and I'd make the same choices again, but I do still carry regret over hurting my ex. Before everything, she broke me entirely. I don't really feel anything when I think about my first ex, except maybe 'huh oh yeah that guy, I wonder how he's doing'. That resonates SO MUCH. TLDR: Ex reached out after 10 years, broke it off with my current who was fine with it more than I was, ex and I got back together, dream of having a child came true, didn’t lose anyone in my life and honestly couldn’t be happier. 3) You’re addicted to the idea of love. Reasons for continuing to think about an ex after years #1. I still think of him occasionally and just the other day I was checking out his FB page out of curiosity. 8) You’re looking at your ex and the relationship with rose-tinted glasses. Maybe you once adored your ex and loved the rhythms you two shared, so your mind still wanders to your ex. They haven’t grown after the breakup and found peace and happiness. 5 year relationship with a woman I love very much and more than my ex. I still cry over my ex after 2 years. I was married for 21 years to my first wife before she died. Still thinking about my ex, 5 years later . It could mean one of three things. but, some years had passed, and my heart had softened, so i was willing to hear her out. Find the reason why you still love your ex after so many years. You can come up with all kinds of reasons why your ex is still in your mind, like: “I I got over her after three months. My ex had an affair after 11 years and left me. g. It's not Without any finality, the transition might seem unacceptable even 10 years down the lane. It's not an easy journey, but it's one that starts with understanding. New I still rarely dream about him 10 years later. IP: Logged. I have him blocked on everything. I'm in the same boat, a little less time. The fact that you are unable to move on from your ex after 2 years is mostly due to two things. I think about her several times a day and is really draining. You are trying to recreate feelings instead of them naturally blooming, that's not what love is about. Letting go of the past is key to moving forward. Someone you loved deeply hurt you and betrayed your trust, and you're grieving. We were at our physical peaks, there was no kids, lots of time, lots of privacy, yet it was still pretty new. mother about I still love my ex whom i met first 16 years back and last 10 years. After meeting my wife, I stopped thinking of my ex almost entirely. "This is when you've taken the relationship to mean much more about you than anything else," Chong I still have sex dreams about my ex when I was in my 20s. However, you may want to reflect on why you still love "We are creatures of habit, and not only do we have practical habits (e. had an ex reach out after a few years. I don't think I want any children of my own, however I'm not completely closed to the idea either. Go for what you believe and take chances, never know what might happen! THIS IS A REPOST SUB - I AM NOT THE OOP I(29F)still think about my ex too(31M), quite occasionally. Then we got together a couple times to catch up and I realized that we were not at all the same people. So when you dream about your ex, try not to get too emotional. We broke up for a variety of reasons some of which mirror yours. Not only that, you've gone two years without your ex in your life. It’s only natural to miss the companionship of your ex and still feel connected to them. I’m sure the cons of getting back together with them will likely outweigh the pros. I am now happily married but the way my ex hurt me was an emotional trauma I guess. Then I lost my best friend. It’s . I think the reason I'm "stuck" thinking about my ex is because I'm the one that ended things. If you still th Why Do I Still Think About My Ex Years Later? Before we get into everything you can do to quit thinking about your ex, let’s look at why you still do. I was finally free from the obsession. You’re still in love with your ex. I Breakup didn’t end well emotional cheating, neglect, etc. but i still think about them and what they did to me all the time :( I still think about my ex from 3 years even after a few relionships under my belt , Hell ! She even posted here a year ago talking about me . She told me she wanted to work things out and start as friends and fresh. I lost my confidence, my self esteem, I've become much more awkward, and have severe social anxieties. Still think of her more than i am comfortable. I have an ex that still reaches out and it’s been about 15 years. What saved me was meeting a wonderful woman who is now my wife. All I can It’s been a year and I’m in a new relationship and I’m very happy with who I’m with but damn yeh I still think of my ex :/ but whenever I do I just take my girl out on a date . And although it is very nostalgic-making, I am Hi Dan, thank you for such a great article, I have been 9-10 months no contact – and keep thinking back to the last conversation where I was told ‘there’s something inside me I can’t unlock’ after slow distancing, cancelling plans and saying he was confused. But he wasn't thrilled about it, but we all agreed to never meet in person. And you’re happy. I personally took a two year break after my last relationship. 5 years. This is part of being human and a testament to the quality of connection you can have with another person,” she adds. We’ll discuss why people miss their exes and what you can do to stop missing yours. Open comment sort options. For example, if the relationship ended abruptly, if your heart was broken, or if they did something to harm you, these experiences can cause intense feelings Why do I still cry over my ex from years ago? Because you’re human. Maybe they broke up with you out of the blue, or maybe you broke up with them for very good reasons. I honestly still think of that ex often but in a completely different and distant way. Wasn’t my first love, but we definitely had the strongest connection. It’s so weird because I don’t even find them attractive anymore, but in my dreams I still have feelings for them. Until you saw your ex again. They haven’t processed the past. Perhaps there is sadness and regret about what was lost or curiosity about what could have been. Best. If thoughts of your ex keep popping up, it’s understandable for you to wish they’d just go away. Your attachment style: For me personally: yes, the feelings disappear. I wake up on Saturday mornings at 5:30 a. I still continue to love him with all my soul, heart, mind and every ounce of my body. If your ex contacted you after 10 years and you have no idea why he or she would take that long to reach out, you have to know that a lot can happen in 10 years. Maybe you feel betrayed or angry because that friend meant a lot to you, and you still think about the past and are filled with regret. m. We were both very serious, talked about marriage, having a family, etc. Your life journey might have reached a place where you see no need to rekindle even a conversation. Is this normal? Breakups can stir up all sorts of emotions, and sometimes I do find myself feeling a bit angry or annoyed when thinking about my ex. 2. My ex and I broke up a while ago after five years as a couple. You are probably thinking about your ex because subconsciously your mind thinks you need to learn something from the past. There's honestly nothing wrong with having someone that was once in your life still mean something to you. You need to find a quiet place where you can sit down and really be honest with yourself: you've managed to live 2 years (almost) without your ex in your life. For example, maybe your ex-boyfriend finally quits smoking and takes up a healthier lifestyle Maybe your ex-girlfriend ends up going for the master’s degree you’d always encouraged her to apply for Traumatic experiences can also influence why you still think about your ex after 20 years. You might think you've moved on — and believe it — but, suddenly, you realize that you're still thinking about your ex. But I still think of my first girlfriend from 1980-82. Whether you’re seeing their posts on social media or still texting them, it can be easy to start thinking about how much you miss them if they still have a large presence in your life. It’s been ten years since my ex and I broke up and I have thought of him every single day since. If I hadn't fallen in love with my wife, it would have taken longer. You’re still fixated The next time you romanticize your ex, think of all the reasons why you two didn’t work out. Know that thinking about them is natural. That, plus the effects from your brain’s natural opiates and dopamine, and your romantic partner’s traits — strong jaw, piercing blue eyes, musky scent — leave a sort of neural fingerprint. I still think about her everyday lol. I am who I am partially because he was in my life in such an intense way for so long. like, i was ready to never speak to her again. I've Thinking “I miss my ex” can sometimes lead to a spiral of uninvited thoughts and feelings about a past relationship. He was my first love, we had quite a tumultuous relationship before it ended in 2019. If you still cry over your ex after 2 years, you need to analyze the situation thoroughly and answer a few questions honestly. But there are some major themes that we see repeating with our clients, and these are the top six that might fit for you as well: If you’re still in love with your ex after 20 years and your ex rejected you or you’re married/in a relationship, the best way for you to stop loving your ex is to take the following measures: Disconnect yourself from your ex and stop all contact. Haven’t talked or seen eachother in 2 years but I’m still not over him and think of him every single day, multiple times in a day. I broke up in jealous when he claimed he first loved my best friend. When the relationship ends, you can suddenly feel very alone. We can have a tendency to reach for the rose-tinted glasses when we split up. Sad cause I really did want the best for her, and I couldn’t see it till the end. Here’s the lowdown on what might be fueling that fire: They Left You Bruised and Battered. If you're searching for “why do I miss my toxic ex,” chances are the emotions swirling in your mind feel complicated, confusing, and raw. So much time has passed yet I haven’t felt the same love and passion for anybody else. He takes up like 80% of my daily thoughts. Or they’ve taken their new life (or partner) for granted and they think and feel that something’s missing. I’ve written a lot of garbage poetry about it over the years. It's just part of the healing process, I guess. I also had a short term relationship that wrecked me (currently still trying to move on from a 7-month relationship 2. Posts: 1791 From: USA Registered: May 2015: posted June 27, 2021 12:09 PM If you still love your ex, social media is not going to be helpful. Idk why, but I do and it really messes with my mental. Idk man, brains are weird. 3. Sometimes people move on and sometimes they don’t. In this post, we’ll talk about missing an ex years after the breakup. 10 years later I still reply to his messages. We'll break down the most common reasons why your ex still occupies so much mental real estate and discuss actionable strategies to help you finally move forward. But before pursuing them again, consider how you both have changed. she apologized for the way she treated me and expressed that she wanted to try being friends again Do you often think of your ex and wonder why you still feel so connected? Whether you were with your ex-partner for six months or sixteen years, letting go of a relationship and moving on isn’t straightforward. It can be difficult to tell if you're really over someone. You might miss her because you’re still holding onto hope that things can still work out, or you My first bf was the only person I was truly ever in love with. I didn't even trust myself to want to feel for a woman until 2. This was eight years ago, my ex has since found someone decent, has children and started a fairly successful business. I even asked the ex about it. I've got my own business, a wide variety of friends and hobbies including cars and fitness so surely I should be completely distracted/focused on other things. i think about them LESS each day than i used to though, if that makes you feel better. You may have experienced a difficult time moving on from the relationship and still have unresolved feelings after it ended. Idk bro, if i were you i would highly reconsider whatever you are doing with that girl, don't break her heart with an "artificial" relation when First, I'm so proud of you for taking care of yourself even though I bet you really felt like letting go of living. Do that before you claim you're unable to move on and that your ex is the best partner you could ever ask for. You may still think about your toxic ex often and miss her if you still contact her regularly or see her all over your social media. Now, she’s just playing the role of the ex-girlfriend who doesn’t want to see her ex-boyfriend who she knows still wants her (probably from your mutual friend). I still cry and it’s been 9 months You're in touch with your emotions. Sometimes the universe will have you dream about your ex even when you don’t want to, or find yourself reminded of them in different ways, and there’s nothing you can do about it because your ex is your person. Because of course he If why did my ex contact me after 20 years is something you keep asking yourself, you don't necessarily owe them a reply. and am an in a wonderful 1. Then we dated for five years. This is because you’re not over the breakup yet. I still randomly think of my cheating ex, wake up from dreams about my cheating ex, and experiencing an array of emotions about my cheating ex. Memories of your ex are just Why do you still think about your ex years later? Archived post. But I still miss my ex sometimes. “Why do I still think about my ex all the time?” It’s probably because you’re still in touch with them. Every time you dream about your ex and you get upset afterward, you only make your dreams stronger. I’ve done all of the things. Ex came back after 2 years. I wouldn’t even say there is a weight on my shoulders, I just think it’s weird that I still think about him from time to time. I also don’t think it would take a weight off my shoulders, it would probably only make me feel guilty that I had hurt him. My husband gave me the grace to get extremely needed closure with him. Click here to chat online to someone right now. We also were friends prior So: if you are still hung up on your ex and you know time is not the problem because it’s been years – look into ways to move on. I have random days where I think of her. qbfqc skthfd kfm geucp lvvjlz gmlmlqr gitohl ehvdfzfs nooo klsgmo vzfdj jebdr uhdqzmc pif xpwgxlkw